Summer often brings a layer of cooler weather to the Pacific Northwest coast. Known as the marine layer, it provides cooler temperatures than the Puget Sound or the Portland regions. A welcome relief on the few days of extreme heat.

I woke up to dense foggy skies on a recent morning and headed out with my camera. A day-use state park with one of the few remaining old-growth timber stands in Southwest Washington is close to my house.

When I arrived, the foggy conditions were not as good as I had hoped. A slight mist still lingered in the distance.

Not concerned if I was to capture a photo, I set off on the one-mile trail that loops back to the picnic area. I needed to spend time in nature. Soon I got caught up in the forest’s magic.

After my immersion in the trees, my mind saw the photographic possibilities.

To tell a complete story, I wanted to capture a variety of far and near photos. Where fog was present, I made photos that captured a broader view of the trees. In other areas, I composed closer and closer, capturing the fine details of the forest.

I hope you have a place of peacefulness, either physically or mentally. Mine is nature. What is yours?

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